Drew R
Reaffirmed that I am on the right path I have known Brenda for about five years now. When I first met her I was going through a rough period in my life with a lot of family and personal issues. As anyone who is meeting with a medium for the first time I was definitely nervous. That feeling went away within the first minute of meeting Brenda. She was so welcoming and made me feel comfortable right away. That day Brenda helped me clarify a lot of uncertainties in my life and also helped me make some pretty life changing decisions. Since then I have spoken with Brenda at least once a year and each time she is able to give me some great insight to the questions I have about my direction in life, and reaffirm that I am on the right path. Brenda has become a great confidant and someone that I know I can turn to in time of uncertainty. If you are considering speaking to a medium, I would highly recommend meeting with Brenda. She is a genuine individual who I know will be able to help anyone how she has helped me over the past five years.
– Drew Roberts